Located in the west of North Cyprus, this city is one of the fruitful agricultural areas in the island, famous especially for the Citrus (Orange, Lemon, Grapefruit) and strawberries from the area which thrive in its fertile red soil. Guzelyurt is an ideal resort for those who want to escape from the noise and rush of the city life and spend the day in the peace and calm of nature.
A big amount of citrus fruits are exported, and the remaining are used to make fruit juice and canned for local consumption and export. Monastery of St. Mamas is worthy of visit which was originally built by Byzantine administration with Gothic establishments. Some of the structures date from c. 1500. The Ruins of Soli (600 B.C.) and the Palace of Vouni, from 5th century B.C., are a necessary for archaeologists or those interested in antiquities.
- Nature
Nature becomes incredible in October when the fields adopt a coat of green as the whole of the island becomes covered with latest growth, following the advent of the first rains. Anemones cyclamens, narcissi, hyacinths, irrises, wild orhicds, wild tulips and almonds all bloom until the end of March. There is no other country in the Mediterranean, which can boast over thirty species of wild orchids. It is a well-known fact that North Cyprus is a wonderful place in every season. Every season is different on our island. You don't wake up to the day, so much as wake up into a dream world. The dream world that is made up of the colors of rainbow.
Archaeology and Nature Museum

The current museum building, used as the Metropolit building before the 1974 period, houses the cultural objects found throughout Cyprus and the area. The building was opened after the necessary restoration was completed. The Nature section situated on the lower floor displays a collection of died animals, consisting of birds, fist, snakes, foxes, lambs and tortoise etc. are sued for educational purposes The upper floor of the museum, houses the Archeology Section the archeological pieces are displayed in chronological order. In the corner of the first room, there is a display of material cultural remains belonging to the Neolithic era, the people the Neolithic era being the first known inhabitants of Cyprus. In this room there are also displays from the Bronze age (old ages, middle ages and late ages). In the second and third rooms there is an artificial display from the Tunba Tu Skuru settlement. To prevent damage to the partially excavated settlement site, North of the Ovroz river, the area has been closed to visitors. The remaining two rooms of the museum hold findings belonging to the Geometric, Archaic, Classical, Hellenistic, Roman and Byzantinian periods. The most interesting finding in the museum is the Efes Artemis sculpture, found by coincidence near the Salamis area.
St. Mamas Monastery
This monastery was built as a tribute to a Christian saint Mamas in the early 18th century. It is said to be that there is lots of churches dedicated to him in Cyprus. Historians suppose that St. Mamas Monastery has been rebuilt on the ruins of a Byzantine church. It was restored and modified by many nations during middle ages. Therefore there are signs of various architecture styles on the structure such as Venetians, Genoese, Armanians and Byzantine.
Soli Ruins
The origins of Sell are traced back to an Assyrian (700 BC) tribute list where it is referred to as Si-il-lu. It is also known that in 580 BC, King Philokypros moved his capital from Aepia to Si-il-lu on the advice of his mentor Solon, and renamed the town after the Athenian philosopher In 498 BC along with most of the other city kingdoms of Cyprus, Soli also rose against its Persian masters and at the end of the war it was captured. Soli became a prosperous city during the Roman period, However by the 4th century its harbour was already silted up and the copper mines were closed. It was destroyed by Arab raids in the 7th century.
Vouni Palace
This 137 room palace was built on a hilltop by the Phoenician pro-Persian king of the neighbouring city Marion to watch over the pro-Greek city of soli, following an unsuccesful revolt of the latter against the Persians in 498 B.C.. It was the headquarters of a garrison and consisted of state apartments, large storerooms and bathrooms. In 449 B.C. when the Persians were defeated and the Greek rule was established, the ruler of Marion was replaced by a pro-Greek prince and alterations were made and a second storey with walls made from mud bricks was added. The pro-Persian and pro-Greek histories of this royal residence lasted for some 70 years and after it was destroyed by the inhabitants of Soli in a fire in 380 B.C. it was never built. The entrance of the original palace of the first period was in the south-west. Here a porch led to the state apartments; a main room (1) and inner hall and on the two sides a series of connecting rooms (2&3). This section of the palace is thought to have had an official function. From here a broad stairway of seven steps led to columned court surrounded with rooms on three sides. Water almost all the main rooms was supplied from the undergound cisterns cut into the living rock of the mountain, where the winter rain was collected.
Pigadhes Temple
The temple was built in the late of Bronze Age. The discovered area consists of two sections that contain a hall.
Toumba Tou Skouru Prehistoric Settlement
Toumba Tou Skouru was used as a settlement in the bronze age and it was discovered and excaveted by Harvard University and The Museum of Fine Arts in 1971. During the archaeological excavations, tombs of important people, shops, workshops and residential structures were exposed. The copper remnants on the discovered goods indicates that Toumba Tou Skouru was one of the towns on the island where copper was worked.